
Martial Artist, Competitive Athlete, Personal Trainer, Entrepreneur, Husband.

Todd Mueckenheim aka Skippy Dynamite.

Todd has been training martial arts since the age of six, starting with taekwondo for most of his youth. In high school, he took up wrestling which was a pivotal live changing moment, one that would influence and shape his future career.

Not only was wrestling one of the toughest experiences of his life, it inevitably led to the discovery of the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu which was where the nickname Skippy Dynamite was born.

Known for his explosive strength in combat and joyous attitude in life, Skippy Dynamite is the embodiment of his nature as a human being and competitive athlete. Everywhere he goes, he tries to instill a positive mentality in those he meets.

This path of Martial Arts led to formal training in Health and Fitness. In 2014 he began working at UFC Gym Long Island in New Hyde Park as Jiu-Jitsu instructor and certified personal trainer.

The passion he has for jiujitsu has translated over into the world of functional movement and today Todd is a HBS1 certified Functional Patterns trainer.

Todd began his functional patterns journey and the latter part of 2018, but then truly accelerated into the practice in 2019 when he began training sessions with his colleague Christopher Lackhan (Functional Patterns Arizona).

Later he got his human foundations course done in 2021, and then the following year March of 2022 he received his HB1s certfication.

Todd’s mission is to help people realize a level of fitness they never thought was attainable.

Todd works with many individuals from different walks of life, whether it be in person at the gym or at home and even over the convenience of the computer via virtual personal training.

If there is anything that Todd has learned in life it is that with the right mindset, anything is possible. Jiu-Jitsu is the foundation where people can develop life skills that will make them more confident and disciplined in order to achieve success in life.

Today, Skippy Dynamite is keeping busy doing at-home private training as well as developing a Jiu-Jitsu school and program for children.

Contact me today to start your journey to a pain free life!